Family Planning & Counseling


The role of family planning counselling is to support a woman and her partner in choosing the method of family planning that best suits them and in solving any problems that may arise with the selected mode.

At Ankh Women’s Clinic, we provide a range of short-term, long-term and permanent methods of contraception. We also provide counselling to ensure we understand your lifestyle preferences and needs, medical eligibility, and future pregnancy aspirations.

Why is Family Planning Important?

The importance of family planning is clear from its benefits to individuals, as well as to families, communities, and societies (AGI, 2003). Family planning serves three critical needs:

  1. It helps couples avoid unintended pregnancies
  2. It reduces the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  3. By addressing the problem of STDs, it helps reduce rates of infertility.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), family planning is defined as “the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary infertility”.

How Consulting a Doctor for Family Planning Can Help You

Family planning is recommended to be done with the help of a specialist, i.e. a Gynaecologist

Each visit should include care that is appropriate to the overall condition and stage of pregnancy and should include four main categories of care (with specific examples provided for each category):

Deciding upon the right kind of contraception for you and your partner.
By eliminating any kind of wrong decision taken by the couple due to lack of proper information.
By knowing your reproductive health better through certain methods of inspection.
By helping with contraceptive methods like the Copper-T.
By informing you of fertile days and other important things when you plan to conceive (or not).

Importance of Family Planning

Every couple or individual has the freedom to choose how many children they want to have and the freedom to decide the timing and spacing of any pregnancy. Family planning lets couples and individuals protect themselves and their family’s well-being in significant ways, such as:

Sexually-transmitted infections can be prevented

The proper and consistent use of male and female condoms protects an individual both from unplanned pregnancies as well as sexually transmitted infections such as HIV, AIDS, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Adolescent pregnancies can be reduced

Females who are 10-19 years old are more likely to have a preterm baby, or a baby that’s born before the 37 weeks of pregnancy have been completed. Also, a baby born to a teenage mother will have higher rates of neonatal mortality.

Infant mortality rates can be cut down

When a pregnancy is unplanned, ill-timed, or too closely spaced, it affects the mother’s health which, in turn, affects the health and safety of her unborn child.

Pregnancy complications can be minimized

Family planning helps protect women from any health risks that may occur before, during or after childbirth.

Contraceptive Methods

A doctor can help you choose among the best family planning methods

Birth control, also known as contraception, anticonception, and fertility control, is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy.

Male condom

Providing both pregnancy and STI prevention.

Female condom

Providing both pregnancy and STI prevention.

Emergency contraception

Pregnancy prevention following unprotected sex.

Oral contraceptive pill

A daily tablet to prevent pregnancy.

Contraceptive implant

Pregnancy prevention for up to 5 years, remove at any time.


Providing 1-3 months of protection from unplanned pregnancies.

Intrauterine device (IUD)

Pregnancy prevention for up to 10 years, remove at any time

Tubal ligation

A permanent contraception method for women.


A permanent pregnancy prevention solution for men.

When is the best time to start family planning?

Couples who choose to be sexually active but don't want to conceive should begin family planing

If you plan to start using contraception after giving birth, it is recommended that you start it from around three weeks after the birth. However, you should begin discussing family planning during pregnancy, particularly during the third trimester, after birth and in the immediate postpartum period.

We Accept Insurance

"One of the BEST women Clinic in Kenya. The doctors are thorough. My wife and I are happy with the care and follow up progress Dr. Onyambu has provided for her OBGYN needs. I recommend him highly and without reservation. Best to book an appointment beforehand."

~ Michael Momanyi

How to Book Appointments

Visit us for your next obstetrics and gynaecology consultation

Are you looking for a clinic that provides both gynecology and obstetric services? ANKH offers comprehensive care for women of all ages. We provide preventive and corrective services to ensure you get the best care possible.

You deserve a healthcare provider who takes a holistic approach to your health; that’s what we offer at Ankh. We want to help you maintain your health now and into the future. Fill out the form and we’ll reach out to you ASAP.

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